Our hearing rooms, named after forests around Paris: (1) Chantilly, (2) Saint-Germain, (3) Fontainebleau, (4) Rambouillet, which can be combined by pairs
Our breakout rooms, named after tree types: (5) Sapin / Spruce, (6) Platane / Plane, (7) Tilleul / Linden, (8) Merisier / Cherry, (9) Châtaignier / Chestnut, (10) Chêne / Oak, (11) Pin / Pine, (12) Aulne / Alder, (13) Robinier / Black Locust, (14) Hêtre / Beech, (15) Frêne / Ash and (16) Peuplier / Poplar
Our witness holding rooms and visiting offices: (A) March and (B) September.
We also have four interpreter cabins: two have windows giving onto hearing rooms (respectively Fontainebleau and Rambouillet), and two are blind (see C and D on the above floor plan) and can be combined with any of the four hearing rooms. They can also be used as witness holding rooms or visiting offices.

Hearing room no. 1 – Chantilly (36-40 pax, extensible)

Hearing room no. 2 – Saint-Germain (28-32 pax, extensible)

Hearing room no. 3 – Fontainebleau (36-40 pax, extensible)

Hearing room no. 4 – Rambouillet (36-40 pax, extensible)

Combined hearing rooms – example with nos. 3 & 4 (84 pax, extensible)

Room no. 7 – Breakout – Tilleul / Linden (10 pax)

Room no. 8 – Breakout – Merisier / Cherry (18 pax)

Room no. 9 – Breakout – Châtaignier / Chestnut (16 pax)

Room no. 13 – Breakout – Robinier / Black Locust (14 pax)

Room no. 16 – Breakout – Peuplier / Poplar (16 pax)

Clockwise, from top left – May (interpreter cabin with window into hearing room no. 3, Fontainebleau), April (blind interpreter cabin which, like January, can be assigned to any hearing room, or 2-person visiting office), March (witness holding room, like September. 'March' can also be used as a small meeting room, and 'September' as a visiting office) and October (interpreter cabin with window into hearing room no. 4, Rambouillet)